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http://www.azquotes.com/author/23541-Michael_Ventura Ko je Majkl Ventura, čime se on bavi i šta je napisao, možete pogledati ukratko ovde: Michael Ventura Detaljnije na njegovom sajtu. Official website The Talent of the Room -pdf Ovde će biti postavljen novinarski, poslednji pozdrav Karlosu Kastanedi sa kojim se Majkl Ventura sreo dva puta u životu. Drugi put u vreme kada je Kastaneda već bio bolestan i na zalasku života . Magazine Articles https://www.federaljack.com/ebooks/Castenada/sites/nagual_ixtlan/www.nagual.net/ixtlan/interviews/austin.html Austin Chronicle - Jul 1998 Homage to a Sorcerer by Michael Ventura A sorcerer died two or three months ago. Liver cancer, they said, but the details are vague. Also vague is why it took so long for word to get out. There are strange rumors. No matter. All this is as it should be for a sorcerer. Strangest of all, in a way, were...